“Though youth ministry is a universal need and project of the Church, it also has local dimensions. The Catholic Church in Australia has a rich history of ministry with young people. Our first saint, Mary of the Cross MacKillop, devoted much of her life and energy to young people; her congregation and many others did likewise. From at least the 1950s, different models of youth ministry were explored and those engaging in youth ministry today stand on the shoulders of those ministries.”

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference – Office for Youth, ‘Anointed and Sent p7.’

Our Youth and Young Adult Formation Programs

​Developing formation programs that cater for young people is extremely important to us. At Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, we have steadily been growing our formation programs over past few years. We currently have a primary youth program (Launch Pad), a high school program (Magnify), and a young adult program (YA BBQ and YA Holy Hour). If you, your children or your grandchildren fall into any of these categories, please accept this invitation to be part of our youth initiative.

Faith formation is essential in the life of a Christian. Often, as Catholics we see the Sacramental Program as the only formation our church has. Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, and Penance are certainly essential in the forming of our faith, however that is just the start. We need to be formed in the life and teachings of Jesus so that we may become more attentive to the needs of the world. We need to be taught to go beyond ourselves and how to live the Gospel. Below you will find a sampling of the programs offered at our parish, and we encourage you to check the newsletter for the most up-to-date information about events, missions, opportunities to serve, and special programs at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Primary School – LAUNCH PAD Youth Group

Our Primary School Youth Group is focused on building a strong connection with primary school kids and their faith. It is a great way for children to explore and learn about the Christian faith in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment. The program is a great way to assist those children enrolled in the sacramental program. This program is for children in grades 3-6, and is also open to non-OLR primary school students. LAUNCH PAD is held each Friday afternoon from 3:00pm – 4:30pm at the Carroll Community Centre in the OLR Primary School (1 Kenmore Rd, Kenmore).

For further information please contact Caleb Bryant at: youth.kenmore@bne.catholic.net.au

High School – MAGNIFY Youth Group

Our High School Youth Group – MAGNIFY – is held each Friday evening from 6:30pm – 8:30pm at the Carroll Community Centre in the OLR Primary School (1 Kenmore Rd, Kenmore). Formation on a these Friday evenings involves dinner, activities, talks, healthy discussions, and music.

For further information please contact our Youth Coordinator, Caleb at: youth.kenmore@bne.catholic.net.au

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

All children are welcome to attend Children’s Liturgy of the Word, which is held on the third Sunday of each month during the 9:45am Mass at Kenmore.

Adult Leaders create an atmosphere that allows God’s Word to take root and live in the hearts of the children.

For further information please contact the Parish Office: kenmore@bne.catholic.net.au

Young Adults

Young Adult Holy Hour (Adoration and Benediction)

When: Currently suspended until further notice
Where: OLR Church, Kenmore
Cost: Free
Who: Young Adults (those aged over 18 years)

For further information please contact our Youth Coordinator, Caleb at: kenmore@bne.catholic.net.au