Music Ministry in the Parish

This weekend I would like to inform the Parish about the Parish Music Ministry. We are blessed in this parish with many very talented and dedicated musicians and singers. Currently across the parish we have two choirs that sing at the 8am Moggill Mass and 9.45am Kenmore Mass, two music groups that currently play once a month at the 9.45am Mass Kenmore and the 5.30pm Mass Kenmore.

Four musicians who play over the four Masses and two cantors who sing at the 5pm & 5.30pm Kenmore Masses. We are blessed to have Trish Doyle as our Parish Music Co-ordinator who works with Don Holcombe and myself. Don takes care of all the sheet music and the music folders each week and is a member of the Music Committee. We are further blessed to have Andrew Grant who puts together the AV and hymn sheets each week, and Miriam Holmes who takes care of all the recording and compliance of copyright for all the music used in the parish. Along with the support of the parish office, you can see there are many people involved in providing the Music Ministry in the Parish, about fifty in total.

The Music Ministry role is pivotal in supporting & enhancing the celebration of the Mass and Liturgies in our parish communities. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of all involved, it is in a very healthy place. To get to this point we have spent the last couple of years planning, reviewing and resourcing the Music Ministry through physical, personal and financial means. I would therefore like to extend my thanks to the fifty or so members of this community who participate in the Parish Music Ministry across the parish. My thanks also to the parishioners who financially contribute through the collections, which support this ministry and the many other ministries in the parish. Fr

Fr. Mark Franklin