Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Adults

In recent years, with the many revelations of abuse and neglect of children within the church and in other churches, sporting clubs and organisations dating back many decades, our church has responded to ensure all vulnerable people are safe in our Parishes, Schools, Hospitals, Nursing homes, Child Care and the many other services the church provides.

This has meant formation and education of those in leadership roles and those who have responsibility to ensure others are safe. It has also meant a time of education for the whole Catholic Community and all those who work in church institutions. As you have heard many times, we as a community need to be aware that it is the whole community that must be active in the promotion of a safer parish and community.

To this end the parish has in the last six months updated our safeguarding records in response to the changed requirements of the Archdiocese and Government legislation.

I would like to thank Michele Rienecker for her many hours of work in continuing the safeguarding administration; and with the assistance of the Local Safeguarding Representative, Steven Bird, the Parish Manager and the Safeguarding Committee, we are slowly ensuring that volunteers in our parish are up-to-date with all safeguarding requirements so they can minister to others in our community.

March has been set aside as Safeguarding Month in our parish.  The new requirements for volunteers means all Readers of the Word and Communion Ministers will be required to complete Volunteer Data Forms, safeguarding training online, Statutory Declarations, Blue Cards, Police Checks, Parish Induction or training (new people).

The Archdiocese has changed these requirements because the Ministries of Reader and Communion Minister are Public roles. It has been the case for many years that people taking on these roles need to be of good standing in the community. The new requirements are to ensure that the safeguarding policy is followed and that those who are trusted by the church community are able to fully fulfil their role and ministry in the parish.

In the next week many Communion Ministers and Readers will receive an email from the parish asking them to complete the required paperwork before the end of March.

To make it a little easier for people, on the weekend of 9/10 March, Safeguarding Committee members will be available to process your paperwork after each of the weekend Masses. Please be assured that all personal information is treated by the parish under the requirements of the Archdiocesan Privacy Policy.

God Bless
Fr Mark Franklin PP