Our Lady of the Rosary Church to undergo substantial repairs and remediation works over the coming month

I am very pleased to inform the Parish community that works to repair and repaint the OLR church spire, roof, guttering and facia will commence on Monday 20th of May. This follows detailed consultation with the Archdiocesan property & building team with the support of the Parish finance council in considering the competing quotes.

Many parishioners and visitors have lamented the visual state of the church exterior during my brief time here and I assure you it has been high on my agenda to deal with. It is a great relief to now be in a position to act by restoring not only the visual amenity of this sacred space but to also deal with building issues in need of repair.

During these works, which are expected to run for at least four weeks weather permitting, there will be some disruption to our use of the church. Scaffolding will be erected around the church perimeter and contractors will be on site most weekdays from 7am. As a result we will celebrate the usual weekday Masses in the Chapel and access to the church whilst workers are on site will be restricted.

During weekdays the car parks closest to the church and the turnaround at the church entrance will be cordoned off for the use of the contractors, their vehicles, materials and equipment. Weekend Masses will be celebrated as usual with the main church entrances also accessible as usual. The lead contractor has assured us they will leave the site clear and accessible for weekend use however all Mass goers will need to take care to avoid the scaffolding which will remain cordoned off for safety purposes.

If at any stage you have any concerns or need to access the Church during the week to perform your ministry duties please see the Parish manager Michael Finch at the Parish office in the first instance as he will be the site manager for the Parish during the works.
In conjunction with these works I have commissioned the refurbishment of a number of our liturgical furnishings. The first being the Ambry or Holy Oils cabinet, which was removed last week by the silversmith and will be brought back to its original finish, similar to the Tabernacle. We were very fortunate to be gifted a marble Baptismal Font from Bulimba Parish which we are having restored in readiness for installation. Additionally we are waiting to receive estimates on a new Ambo (lectern) & alterations to the Altar which I will share with you as they become available. I have also commissioned the refurbishment of some smaller items being a pair of original brass candle sticks and the original brass & marble altar crucifix and candle holders.

Finally, plans are on display at the back of OLR Church from this weekend for the installation of the new reconciliation room & the refurbishment of the old confessional space into a purpose built altar servers vestry and audio visual control room.

All of these projects will be self-funded by the Parish and will draw significantly on Parish reserves. I thank the Parish finance council for their guidance and those participating in Planned Giving for their generosity. In coming weeks there will be an opportunity for parishioners to consider contributing directly towards these restoration works & liturgical furnishings.

Fr. Mark Franklin.