Around the Parish

2019 is well underway with a great deal of activity in and around the Parish over the last month.
Some of this activity is clearly visible whilst other activities are happening in the background to support the provision of an effective and relevant Parish.
We are blessed with an abundance of committed parishioners who take on a variety of roles to support the mission of the Parish and who in turn are supported by committed staff, as together we endeavour to live out our faith as active participants.
A few achievements already this year include;
• Launch of the new website and newsletter formats
• Re-establishment of the parish kindergarten service
• Upgrade of the interior pendant lighting at Our Lady of the Rosary Church
• Parish Columbarium review and audit
• Workplace Health & Safety review
• Parish asbestos survey and update of the Asbestos Management Plan
• Annual pest inspection and treatment across all Parish facilities
• Replacement of tapware and repairs to tiling in OLR church toilets

Some items currently being planned include;
• Drafting a design brief for an upgrade to the reconciliation space at Our Lady of the Rosary Church
• Upgrade of exterior bollard lighting at OLR church and carpark
• OLR church – exterior cleaning and painting of roof – reinstate and repair spire, cross and guttering – repairs to exterior timber surfeits and painting of stucco finishes inside church.
• Preparations for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Our Lady of the Rosary Church.

As we head towards lent we will also be focused on our formation programs, youth activities, the upcoming project compassion appeal and the revised sacramental program.

Our efforts to maintain a safe environment and practices for children and vulnerable adults are ongoing thanks to the work of our Safeguarding volunteers and the cooperation of all of you involved in Parish ministry.

On behalf of Fr Mark and the parish staff I thank you for your support and commitment to our Parish community.

We welcome your feedback and any offers of assistance, “around the Parish”.

Michael Finch

Parish Manager